
Drip Marketing

Drip Marketing – Tiny Drops of Brand Content

Drip Marketing has been a successful technique used by brands since the dawn of modern marketing. Brands have long been delivering messages through various means on a regular, planned pattern through every channel imaginable. While the goal of drip campaigns has traditionally been brand awareness, the advent of marketing automation has opened up new avenues for drip marketing – enabling the messages to be tailored to individual targets on a one to one basis.

Boingnet Drip Marketing Campaigns Drive Results

Statistics are showing that “Triggered Emails”, which are messages that are sent as a result of an action, or trigger, are resulting in open rates up to 60% higher and click through rates up to 116% higher than business as usual marketing email (Epsilon North America Email Trends). Marketers and agencies are using Boingnet Drip Marketing for many reasons:

Lead Generation → Drip Marketing → Loyal, Repeat Customers

Today’s marketers know they need to build campaign specific landing pages for every lead generation campaign that goes out, regardless of whether it is online, offline or email based, and that the follow up to the leads generated can and should be automated. Many small businesses and agencies have either ignored this best practice (yeah, the homepage will work!) or have pieced together several different tools to try to make it all happen.   There’s no need to try to learn how to build landing pages in one platform, forms in another, email in yet another, or try to find a way to make them all work together. Boingnet gives marketers and agencies a suite of affordable, easy to use tools that help turn leads into happy, long term customers. Use Boingnet to create powerful drip campaigns such as:

Cool Drips – 3 Different Boingnet Drip Marketing Features

Send Email Drip Campaigns

Send Email Campaigns are the most straight forward and common Drip Campaigns. When many people think of “Drip Marketing”, they think of campaigns like this. These campaigns are made up of Triggers (actions to be taken) and Waits (delays before a Trigger). The Send Email Trigger will send an email template selected from the Boingnet Template Library to a contact after he/she filled out a form and joined a Boingnet list. A Send Email Trigger can also be set up as an alert to be sent to a salesperson, executive or group of people when a contact reaches a certain stage of a campaign.

How Do Drip Campaigns Work?

Here’s a simple example: A new cafe’ is opening and has purchased a Facebook Ad to be displayed to people within 5 miles of its location. Within the Facebook ad is a link to a Boingnet landing page that offers a grand opening coupon in exchange for names and email addresses. A Boingnet Drip Nurture Campaign is initiated when the contact is added to the grand opening list. After a Wait Step of 7 days, a Send Email Trigger is sent, with an offer of a free desert on the birthday, with a click through to a pURL with a form that requests the birthday to get the free desert coupon. A 30 day Wait Step is next, with an email going out with an offer to get a recipe and a video on how to prepare a special meal for an anniversary. The link in the email then drives the users to a pURL where the lead enters their anniversary date in exchange for getting the video & recipe.  Each step is helping the restaurant build a detailed profile of their local resident target audience that they can use in their email marketing to drive people to make reservations for special occasions in the future.


Email Campaign Drips – Newsletter Nirvana

Wouldn’t it be great if your email campaigns were smart enough to reach out to only the list members who haven’t opened or clicked through? What if you could vary your subject line, call to action and send day & time over several different sends without having to re-create your campaign each time? Boingnet makes smart email marketing a piece of cake with our Email Campaign Drips. Easily set up unlimited number of drips to the following segments:

pURL Campaign Drips – Use Email to Drive More Conversions

Boingnet Personal URL’s (pURL’s) enable marketers to build landing pages and microsites for each member of a list, with personalization and one to one tracking of how each member of the list responded to the campaign. Personalized Campaigns can use direct mail and email as channels to drive list members to their pURL, where personalized content helps convince them to take the desired call to action.

“Set It & Forget It” with Dynamically Generated Segments

Only Boingnet gives marketers the power to reach out to members of pURL campaigns on a pre-planned, scheduled basis and send different content to them based on their actions, or lack of actions. Set up multiple (unlimited) drips to your campaign list, and as each scheduled drip date and time occurs, Boingnet will determine what is sent to whom with the following dynamic segments: