
Boingnet version 2 update

Checking in – Boingnet version 2 update

If you’ve had any discussions with the folks here at Boingnet, you can tell that anticipation is building for version 2 of the Boingnet platform. We’ve been hard at work coding away at this completely new version. Our vision for Boingnet has expanded, and we are intent on becoming the go to platform for marketers, direct marketers and digital agencies to use for any and all Personalized Marketing campaigns. Early feedback we’ve received from customers and agency partners who have been helping us test has been tremendous, and we are looking forward to rolling out the new version in the next few months. In addition to a major refresh on the user experience, taking into account requests from our customers and partners, we are rolling out tons of new capabilities, including:

We’ll keep you informed as we finish up & roll out our new product. Combined with our upcoming move into newer, bigger space, Boingnet is poised to really take off!