
New Webinar Coming Up: Multichannel Success with Boingnet

We at Boingnet are very excited to introduce the first of our Boingnet v2 Webinar Series on Thursday, November 21st at 1 PM EST.  Join us as we review the how Boingnet v2 can help you build killer campaigns that live and work together to drive conversions.

Multichannel Success with Boingnet

The webinar will provide an overview of how Boingnet works. We’ll show you how Boingnet can help you develop the following campaign types:

and how they can work together with BoingDrips – our new Drip Marketing capability that lets you segment your campaigns while they are running to automatically reach out with different messages and channels in order to connect with your targets.

To Register for the Boingnet v2 Multichannel Success Webinar on November 21st at 1PM EST – Click Here