Audiences Tracking Code Overview
Boingnet Audiences ™ Campaigns utilize industry standard JavaScript tracking codes to manage the tracking and personalization of direct mail targets on web pages hosted in 3rd party Content Management Systems. This article is meant to be read along with the Audiences Personalization and How To Create An Audiences Campaign articles.
What is Boingnet Audiences ™ Tracking?
When you add this tracking snippet to your website, you send a pageview for each page your user visits. We processes this data and can infer a great deal of information including:
- Who is actually on your site
- How many pages they visited
- Which unique pages they visited
- How long they visited for
- Based on IP address, where did they visit from
- What conversion, or goal pages(s) did they get to
- Based on the user agent, what browser they visited with, were they mobile or desktop, their screen size etc.
- What links they clicked on
- The page flow from page to page
How it works
When your customers visit a personal URL (pURL) printed on your direct mail piece, they will hit our server briefly. We track the hit and then send them on to your website with their unique identifier in the query string.
Example: –>
The first time in, a cookie is written that contains just the unique id of the visitor. Assuming the tracking code is loaded on your main ecommerce template, all pages Joe visits on will be tracked and can be personalized.
Each page load that has the tracking code and detects an Audiences ID will communicate back to Boingnet with that ID. Boingnet uses that ID along with browser info to track the activity and conversions, or goal URLs identified in the Audiences campaign.
In addition, Boingnet will send back a data object containing info that can be used on your pages for personalization. Our unique variable data and logic tools let you use data from your Boingnet campaign data file to drive personalized online experiences. (Only visitors that have cookies from visiting their PURLs).
Adding Audiences Tracking to Your Site
The following code should be added near the top of your page within the <head> tag area. On a static website, this code will need to go on every page (that you want tracked and personalized). For content management and ecommerce driven sites, this can typically be placed in a single theme or template file that generates the header. The code can easily be copied into tag management software, such as Adobe Dynamic Tag Management, Google Tag Manager, WordPress plugins like IntellyWP Tracking Code Pro and others.
Audiences Campaign Dashboard
The Audiences Dashboard is the control panel for your campaign. Real time stats, publish/unpublish and campaign goal controls, links to download PURLs and QR codes, tools to segment and schedule follow up emails based on behavior and more are available in one easy to manage location.
You can always access the tracking code from the “info” panel on your campaign dashboard. Just copy the code and paste it into your web page, landing page or content management system.
Inserting Audience Tracking Code into Unbounce Landing Pages
- Copy the Tracking Code from your Audience Campaign Settings
- Go into the editor of your Unbounce Landing page and click on Javascripts at the bottom of the editor screen
- In the Javascripts popup click on + Add New Javascript and a new window will appear
- Complete the Script Name with a name that is easily identifiable
- Select Before Body End Tag for the Placement selection
- Paste the Audience tracking code
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